Monthly Archives: August 2019

An Update from the Lone Star Estate

Copyright 1991 jrlopz

(This story had evolved over the last few weeks and it may continue…)

Since the last posting, Happy 67th Birthday to the Lone Star Estate, the Island’s political “novela” (soap opera), “El Gran Revolu” (A Hugeass Mess), continues.

Ever since Little Ricky’s resignation, he was busy on his last days in office with daily tantrums, meltdowns, and with his habitual arrogance waited until the last possible moment to name a Secretary of State that succeed him last Friday August 2nd at 5:00pm.

At the behest of his handlers and “con las muelas de atrás” (biting his tongue), he appointed former Commonwealth Congressman and former Secretary of Justice Jorge Pierluisi.

The Universe has to be choking with the irony as Little Ricky pouting and screaming appointed Pierluisi, the candidate he defeated in the party’s primary. Pierluisi was the more experienced candidate and in hindsight could have done a far better job than Little Ricky and his band of frat boys. However, in the end his actions motivated by arrogance and by selfishness as he left office opting to leave the Island in chaos instead of thinking about the people or at least the people who voted for him. His actions were typical of a spoiled brat, for he appointed a person that has issues of his own (Pierluisi), as he works or worked for the law office that advises the dreaded and hated oversee board appointed by congress.

I guess that was too much to ask for.

Initially, the Secretary of Justice, Wanda Vazquez, and next in succession uttered that she did not want the job and who can blame her since she got no experience for the job, has some dirty laundry as well, and the “revolu” (huge ass mess) of what happens next is unclear, for these events are new in the Island politics.

Pierluisi got confirmed by the House of Representatives alone that Friday, for the Senate refused to hold hearings until the following Monday at first, but changed them to Wednesday since the Senate’s president, Thomas Rivera Schatz, filed a legal action with the Commonwealth’s Supreme Court on the following Monday after Pierluisi was sworn in as governor after 5:00 pm the previous Friday.

Pierluisi and his supporters used a law (Law #7)from 1952 amended in 2005 and authored by Jeniffer Gonzalez, the non-voting representative to the US House of Representatives, when she was a member of the Commonwealth House of Representatives to argue that his appointment was valid because it was recess appointment.

However, the following Wednesday the commonwealth’s Supreme Court unanimously struck the 2005 law as unconstitutional, and gave Pierluisi until 5:00pm to step down, and ordered Wanda Vazquez to be sworn in as governor, thus becoming the second woman to be governor, and the third governor in less than a month.

For many people in the Island and here in the mainland who do not understand the process of law, the law was never challenged in the courts because it has never been used before, and only the courts have that power after reviewing it against the commonwealth’s constitution.

Idealistically the legislative body should write laws that can stand in court but once again I guess it is too much to ask for.

However, the drama did not end there, as the PNP (Partido Nuevo Progresista or New Progresive Party) met with most of its leadership.

After the meeting, the president of the party and also the President of Senate,Thomas Rivera Schatz, has endorsed Jennifer Gonzalez (the current non-voting representative in DC) to become the next Secretary of State and subsequently become the consensus governor, the fourth in less than a month (and third woman…),

The twist now is that governor Wanda Vazquez after claiming she did not wanted the job, is now saying that she is not going to step down and that Gonzalez is a good choice to become the Secretary of State, as she now says is finishing Little Ricky’s term in office.

Public demonstrations and lack of support from the party can make her tenure short, but we shall see as the Tales of the Lone Estate continues…

Some Links from News Wires

Puerto Rico has new governor, but his stay may be short

US government delays Puerto Rico disaster mitigation funds

Puerto Rico braces for clashes over island’s next leader

Toma de posesión de Pierluisi: “Genuina controversia jurídica”

A Different 4th of July

Copyright 2008 jrlopz

The summer of 2018 was the second summer without the house sitting gig which meant another summer of whatever-was-on-Amazon-Prime or re-runs of previously bought DVDs.

I must admit that the idea of writing this blog (as well as the inspiration) came out of the time spent in that house in an affluent suburb where time seem to be still. However, new events in my life also added new possibilities in this writing journey. It was and still is difficult for me to do new things, and especially if it involves going to places were lots of people congregate.

Instead of my typical 4th of July television binging, I joined my adopted family (nuclear, non-biological, whatever) in their celebration of America’s birthday.

The “Tales of One Broke A$$ Summer” past did not change much in reality since when you add more people with a similar negative cash flow the result is the same as before but in plural. Were there was one Broke A$$ person, now there are two or more grouped together in a celebration of America’s birthday because it is expected to fulfill some traditional ritual defined by advertising and commerce long time ago.

In short is just a bunch of Broke-A$$ people celebrating the independence of the US in their only possible way.

So for about a few hours, we ate, we prepared for the fireworks, and finally we were in front of the house for the fireworks display planned by my significant other.

She is very simple (a great quality) and humble (another great quality), but she goes all-out with all these preparations and specific selection of fireworks, order, and other preparations for the benefit of her autistic son.

He loves fireworks (from a distance, not too loud, and only certain ones) and his grandmother (she prefers being called Oma) and his aunt joined as spectators to the program carefully prepared by her.

Autism is a conundrum (spectrum is the word used today) that baffles medicine and over the years had given birth (no pun intended) to a lot of research towards better diagnostic tools, therapies, and learning strategies. However, it has also fueled a lot of conspiracy theories that range (as usual) from the “maybe”, to the “plausible”, to the “insane”.

Understandably, some of these parents are desperate and some are in denial because in our great society there are high expectations about how we should all be and despite all the inclusion and “we are all the same” nauseating chants, the reality is that we are not the same—and it is ok. Moreover, it would be insane to think that all of these one-size-fits-all solutions are going to actually make a difference—they are not.

Another issue for families with autistic children and adults is the narrow-minded of our civilization, as many people are still clueless and do not seem to care or do not seem necessary to know or to accept the reality of not only autism but also about mental health.

It is ironic that people now takes sensitivity, racial, sexual harassment, soon (if not already) gender etiquette, but not a thing when it comes to one of society’s biggest problems.

Here in Florida, they are including a mental health class in schools only to appease some people after recent events, and seems like the 80’s approach to teenage suicide in health classes.

It has become an American trait (for lack of a better word) for people in this country to reject knowledge.

This is not new, as over time I had experienced how this country celebrates ignorance with the usual prompt “why do I need to know about…?

Copyright 2008 jrlopz

Other neighbors down the road had a bigger and louder stockpile that ours and were doing their own version, and adding to the multiple programs around the neighborhood as we celebrate America’s birthday as only working people could do.

It was an unsynchronized cacophony of lights and sounds that went on for hours as the night darkness provided the backdrop for the celebration.

There was no pattern, or order, just booms, sparkles and blow of lights of different colors, and there was no musical theme to convey any patriotic yearns.

No, it was a simple and humble commune chaos to celebrate the birth of a nation, as it was probably done at the beginning, long before commerce turned it into a theme to sell crap and to keep people away from their families in a country that “prides” itself in family values, good morals, and apple pie.

Copyright 2008 jrlopz

In the end, it was a new experience that I enjoyed as we all said our goodbyes before my return to my humble abode and getting ready for bed.

So there was not any movie or TV binging to write about this year and seems like the new trend to get out more often may change the tales on this blog (well, maybe a little), as future new experiences and doings are on the horizon.

Next: Classic Friday Night At The Movies