Tag Archives: Covid-19

I’m Back…

After struggling with courses to complete my certification as a teacher, I submitted my last task last Friday and now humbly waiting for the feedback.

It has been a rollercoaster ride that includes, the end of the world, class changes, administration changes, and life.

It seems like more time than it actually took to complete (if this last task is good), and I feel drained from it.

However, the good news is that now I will have the time to contribute to this project regularly, or more often.

Thanks to all of you for having patience and your support.

Goodbye 2020

<p value="<amp-fit-text layout="fixed-height" min-font-size="6" max-font-size="72" height="80">Well, the year is over and for many people it was a difficult year, and for others it was an inconvenient one. Since I do not do New Year’s resolutions, I can recap my year as a typical year with the usual good, bad, or indifferent happenings wrapped up with a two-and-a-half twist.Well, the year is over and for many people it was a difficult year, and for others it was an inconvenient one. Since I do not do New Year’s resolutions, I can recap my year as a typical year with the usual good, bad, or indifferent happenings wrapped up with a two-and-a-half twist.

My Boomer parents taught me and my siblings that as bad as we think things are in our lives, there are others who had it worst, and we should see the events in our lives from a broader perspective. Over time, we had good years, so-so years, and bad years, but looking at our situation in contrast with others, we always found that there was something to be thankful for.

Times like today are a test for people to understand not take things for granted.

I really get tired of certain people who constantly bicker and complain about how bad this past year has been. It got to the point of stop talking to people because the biggest whiners were the people that as always had nothing to complain about. These are the people roaming around the planet with only one thought in their minds;“what about me?

For me and my family, this past year was just another test of resolve and resilience. We had lost people to this virus, but we are still standing up and moving forward.

In my family nucleus, the prospects of orthopedic surgery may still be a reality in the future, and more recent a new diagnosis of type-1 diabetes as the year was winding down (we left the hospital on New Year’s Eve) for the younger member of the family has tested our will but not our resolve.

We still cherished the good things we accomplished in this pandemic year like a new job that may help financially, academic achievements by the little one that nobody thought possible ever.

This time taught us that we do not need many things in life, we had learned new things, and had given us time to be with each other.

I don’t know, but in the end, is it not what is really important in life?

Our best wishes for all who had lost someone close to this virus, to others who had lost everything to the economic impact of this virus, and to anybody out there who is hurting or cannot understand what is happening in their life.

Please know this, mental illnesses are real, they are not part of any belief system (belief got nothing to do with it), seeking help and following treatment options is a way to a good quality of life, for it is just as important (maybe more) to be mentally healthy just as physically healthy.

Thanks to all of you my readers and hope to do better this year.

Next: Fringe (2008-2013)

An Imaginary Trip to the Big City

It has been a while since my last post “The Day the Earth Stood Still” and during this pause, I had grown tired and bored at the polarizing of our society. It is like if you do not indulge, or participate, or pledge your livelihood to the tribe’s P&P’s (policies and procedures), endure its initiation, along with adopting the tribe’s colors, languages, views, allegiances, and membership you are simply a blip, an aberration, an invisible and inconvenient nuisance to be ignored. It has become a fanatical drive for support like contestants in some bizarre reality show running 24 hours a day where the only source of information is social media where the issues are laundered, exposed, and validated depending solely on popularity instead of logic. I managed to devote some lines to the insanity of this “us against them” tribal view, but it became meaningless after all the events that are happening in our country specially in the last few weeks. Moreover, my views are in the “minority” since I am one of those people suffering from that social mental condition called “moderate” and my views are not going to persuade or cause any thought in this massive collective hysteria. So instead, I am writing a tale of an imaginary trip (or maybe not) to the big city during the time where the Earth remained still, and people did not know or were not sure…

We been this way early in the year and returned during the beginning of the pandemic at a time were most roads were deserted like apocalyptic movies that for decades had entertained people. However, this time was weeks after the initial scare and people were growing restless.

Since the moment that the “Earth Stood Still” (1951), our world has split into alternate realities that converge and clash on public places creating cracks and fissures as the alternate worlds collide into each other like an episode of “Fringe” (2008-2013).

Our family got in the car and drove through the interstate and converged into the turnpike until we saw the bright lights of the big city, the ones that attract the eye and confuse the mind like fireflies toward the fire—towards Aunty Entity in Bartertown. Traffic was light but more active than the last time.

We kept driving towards the friendly and calming sign marking that consumer emporium based in Bentonville, Arkansas famous for selling almost everything and more important—not made in the USA.

As we walked in it felt like being on an episode of “The Leftovers” (2014-2017), as some people wandered through the store paranoid while others walked in denial, all mixed together recreating a scene of the movie “Dawn of the Dead”. Granted back when the original 1978 version, the scene was a sort of criticism of the commercialization of American life, but 41 years later seems like it fell in deaf ears since everybody today is a brand or want to be one.

These alternative perceptions of what is happening and what actually is happening have breed confusion, anxiety, anger, and more distrust for government institutions. This is happening in most cities across the country, as people’s actions seem solely defined by their tribal affiliation. It is confusing when certain places require to wear masks and other precautions, yet you cross to a neighboring county and it seems it is all back to normal or that nothing happened.

Back in Gainesville, life has been at a slower than usual pace, as schools and many places are still closed. Some because they have to, others look like they may not survive this crisis, a warning that despite the “experts” demands of closing everything (sort of) there is a need to rethink and reconcile the other extreme view of “business as usual” and find common ground solutions that benefit everybody (sorry, having an episode of “moderate”; that mental medical condition that makes people find common ground instead of endless conflict).

Still, finding certain items that we took for granted not long ago is a challenge in our city. Maybe this is done purposely to limit shopping since keeping the stores staffed has been an issue, or simply as a way to keep people at home in this southern “Casablanca” (1942), for Gainesville is surrounded by rural counties with different tribes, different languages, different religions, and some in conflict with city’s tribe.

The city has become home for many progressives who base their views solely on their financial circumstances, and every solution becomes a new form of taxation that further expands the economical rift and breeds resentment between social classes. However, their views are solely to appease their guilt because (like their opponents) in the end does nothing to solve the actual problem; moreover, it serves another purpose as it also purges working-class people out of the city since the cost of living makes it almost impossible to afford, thus pushing people to the neighboring towns. This has helped redistricting (economical gerrymandering) the city and ensure their political party is the majority always.

Our trip was a necessary trip and after almost 3 months our family had not gone to a store together, we made a conscious decision and took a chance. We did find some necessary items that we were looking for since growing spurts, and wear and tear do not stop even when the “Earth Stands Still” and the “Walking Dead” are running on the streets “liberating” the people.

In walking around the store, it is noticeable that wearing any face covering seems more like a fashion or a political statement…

There were people wearing the expensive-filter masks that sold out a while back in that other online consumer emporium; the one that many people support only to later criticize the owner for profiting—only in America. However, most people were wearing the home-made cloth versions made in matching colors and patterns appeasing vanity and are mostly as a sign of respect for the workers at these stores or as an unconscious need to feel protected. What seems almost certain is that most decisions in our society today are made along political affiliation instead of what is best for all (sorry, still afflicted with a moderate attack).

Many people would criticize my decision for this trip and taking chances that the “Walking Dead”(2010 to present) may get me, or others would simply say that this “World War Z” (2013) conspiracy theory is nothing but a George Soros creation in a Chinese laboratory and that we all have the right to shop, eat, and drink because “the numbers on this thing are so little and the chances of getting sick are almost nil.” It is a contrast of what we see in smaller towns and I think the biggest confusion is the lack of uniformity in lieu of that same misguided freedom so many seem to mistakenly defend. However, it is not their fault totally when political groups saturate the media with mixed messages that overtime has distorted what patriotism really is.

The same can be said for the others who are in seclusion “out of fear” of losing the next election since their candidate is campaigning from his basement (has resurfaced a little during these chaos and confusing days) and the other candidate who suspended his bid is still lurking around afloat on the bowl after being flushed several times.

We finally concluded our shopping spree, the first since the “Earth Stood Still”, as we stood in line and patiently waited our turn, placed all the articles back on the carts (yes), paid, pushed the carts (yes), exited the store carefully (the traffic was crazier today), loaded the trunk, strapped the munchkin to his car seat, got in the car ourselves, and departed the emporium looking for the exit to the turnpike on our way home leaving behind Walmart, a modern cultural and social center and a visual study of modern America.

As we entered the turnpike, an electronic sound typical of a smartphone alarm was loudly deafening our conversation and without any warning my eyes opened, it was dark, the sound of the fan, the lights outside our window were dim through the curtains. I finally got up and muted the blasting sound of the alarm, sat by the side of the bed, fought the “go back to sleep” inertia, finally got up, and walked to the kitchen.

It was Tuesday morning, four more days until Spring Break 2020 and a chance for a most needed break…

Next: The Move (2019)

The Day the Earth Stood Still

It was Friday the 13th…

As I got the last child to his assigned bus, slowly walked to my classroom, gathered my things, walked to my car, and drove home for the deserved two days off workers crave every Monday and every day after with frenetic illusion as it get closer only to be back to Monday when their hopes begin again.

This was the last weekend before Spring Break 2020.

A “break” with a full schedule of professional tests, doctor’s appointments, a dental procedure and a trip to Orlando for the youngest member of our family to get his foot braces and a surprise stop at a dinosaur place somewhere south of Orlando.

However, a few minutes after arriving home, all the phones began to ring frantically and in unison, a flood of texts inundated its screens, and a wave of emails from administrators, school superintendents, and state education leaders were beating the shores like a storm surge with the news that classes were canceled a week before spring break (in Alachua county and other counties).

The week had begun with announcements that all major parks in the Orlando, Florida area were closing, and slowly other businesses followed this trend.

On multiple platforms, our governor announced that people should stay home.

The Earth stood still…

It felt like those vintage science fiction movies where the TV screens are on and people are glued to it in disbelief and on shock of what is happening.

In my lifetime, I have been through several natural disasters, the 9/11 attack, a few massacres, and the common war here and there, but this one is a first.

The following days were difficult for family members, for they were in different stages of shock, disbelief, confusion, and various levels of denial.

The Earth stood still…

As the weeks passed, a new routine took shape in this new normalcy, for sleep patterns changed, eating habits are no more, and the silent and humming wait is driving most people insane.

It has been a time to reflect, reflect in the simplicity of life and how we burden ourselves with the pursuit of pointless activities that gives us some temporary and brief satisfaction.

The Earth stood still…

The world had gone mad, as the weeks had passed testing people’s disposition and patience.

Patience, a modern virtue since the fast-pace life and faster-that-light information flood that inundates our every second of the day has evolved our lives and does not allow for pause to simply ponder.

It has also tested people’s resolution as things we take for granted are no more.

It is a test on civility and real patriotism, for we must learn once again to make sacrifices for the good of the many instead of the good of the one.

This was the legacy of the greatest generation of us, who sacrificed much, for they believed in shaping a better world for the future.

They fought, they died, they built, they saved resources, and they sacrificed for the many; and when it was over, they worked hard to rebuild our nation for generations to come.

The Earth stood still, that Friday, but the work ahead is just beginning, and it is our duty to sacrifice and rebuild once again for the future generations instead of the ceremonious, selfish, and obnoxious bickering that can be heard daily, thus numbing our senses and becoming a normal way of life.

Next: An Imaginary Trip to the Big City

Oops!, Back in the Time Warp

Paranoia, politics, and cynicism…

As the days pass on, life continues to evolve into a new normality, and as I mentioned in a previous post, the world had gone crazy. People want to have control over everything in their lives and expect to know what happens next, for they are not equipped to live in the day-to-day unknown of this crisis.

This times will certainly test the endurance and the resolve of people.

The one thing that continues to baffle some and amuse me is the amount of people who think they are immune and do not need to follow the procedures and orders placed by our benevolent county, city, and now state government. It is oddly amusing because these are the same people who had been screaming and yelling about the poor response from the federal and state government.

Of course, all this bickering is motivated by political and tribal affiliation and has nothing to do with what is good for everybody, but believe or not the other side of the political spectrum is equally insane, for there is people who claim and believe that this crisis in nothing but a hoax to wreck the economy and bring down emperor, Don Segundo, the best that ever was, the best that ever is, the best that ever will be.

If you are wondering which side I belong to, well none, as I am according to these extremist wackos of the left and the right as weak, lacking a moral compass, or defined by the news media as “moderate” like I have some sort of mental illness. I simply do not understand what we call politics today and frankly have lost any interest in it.

After this show of political incivility, I am convinced that neither party deserves my contributions, time, or my vote. Therefore, as my uncle George said a while back “I obstruct” because both extremes are simply ends of a whole spectrum, and in nature balance is hard to reach yet it is desirable. Furthermore, achieving balance is the strongest position not the weakest because in nature a plethora of factors and events in a precise order that are in constant change creates that balance.

In politics, the same collection of moving parts along with civility and compromise (key in politics) balances power and get things done.

There was a time when the good of society was more important and a few personal inconveniences were not a big deal because they were temporary and necessary. That is the essence of politics serving the people by making compromises and not thumping and screaming about who is right and who is not.

As I write this post, I got news that a relative of mine has been quarantined. She is one of the many people working during these times, taking chances of exposure, and possibly more to serve a society who do not seem to care. Yes, she is in a job that involves risks like this pandemic, but without these professionals (doctors, nurses, police officers, correctional officers, and even store clerks at Walmart and Dollar General) society would have collapsed already as it seems that people forgot how little we really need to survive and had descended into a collective hysteria and madness.

Yes, people it may be hard to stay home and yes, it may cramp your active lifestyle and mobility, but the longer we continue with this weak response and indifference, more people would become infected.

The same for those who believe this is a hoax.

It is not only crazy but downright idiotic to believe that some liberal baron (I’m sure there is a George Soros story out there) unleashed this plague from somewhere (China), or that the liberal media elites are ramping the fear for the sake of ratings with the sole intent to destroy this country along with its great highness (the emperor).

I do understand the concerns about the economy and jobs and agree that decisions need to be made balancing many factors and that any decisions will have some degree of risk for many people.

As the great philosopher Erasmo Nieves said “anything we do in life have a degree of risk

My relative got up every morning, kissed her mother and daughter and went to work as expected and risked her health and the ones at home because it is her responsibility. This is not about pity or the tear-jerker human piece shown in the news media, this is about people taking responsibility and understanding that it is not all about you.

I am not an expert but it may be the time when we must make a sacrifice as a people (like it had been done in the past) and shut down everything for a couple of weeks so we may move out of this crisis a lot faster. I hate to be apocalyptic, but if the number continues to rise, we may have to evaluate the need for drastic measures to ensure our survival.

Unfortunately, the current measures are failing at this point; moreover, the politicization of this crisis by both political parties is hurting people and the economy that so many seem so hell bent to prioritize over people as they are somewhat equally important.

I think both sides need to think about what is the next step, what is best for the country, and take a pause about November. I am not advocating for canceling the election, as I do not if it is possible but toning down the rhetoric and political advertising during this time may be prudent and reassuring to the people.

Remember all mighty leaders and righteous news media, it is your responsibility to inform but it is also your duty to reassure the people in times like this.

I know silly me, “cynical laugh!” for the wishful thinking since I have no faith in humanity.

Still, I am going to finish this ranting and leave you with one though:

Take a moment to think that it is not all about YOU, for there is THEY and there is WE and in the end do the right thing for all…stay safe and stay HOME…Thank you.

Next: Back to Our Regular Schedule Program

Fast Forward

Thanks to the fast forward device on the show that caused heartburn this past year (hint…hint…GOT) with its silly ending and awful writing, I managed to travel forward and get here at this time.

I arrived on Monday March 16, 2020, and by the end of the week the world has gone mad.

In a span of weeks, this little fellow (an organism that had existed since life on this planet began) has managed to halt the economy and maybe forever change the lives of people on this planet. Watching people ransacking stores and hoarding stuff like the end is near is a sort of confirmation that humans are no more than cavemen and cavewomen attached to cell phones, with a superiority complex, and the entitled feelings of “awesomeness”. Because in the end we regress to our instincts, turn our brains off, and behave the same way other humans behave in other parts of the world that we had criticized or made fun in the past. It is funny that once again in my lifetime, I see empty shelves and desperation just like seeing armed soldiers at airports so many years ago after a September day that seems long forgotten.

This little fellow (the designated elephant in the room) has driven political foes mad and insane as well, as the Bernie Fans continue to bicker amidst their candidate being done in the primary. Guys, he is done…do not linger anymore because despite the math and difference in delegates that seems he has a chance, it only seems that way, the contest is over.

On the other hand the front runner, Grandpa Joe, seems to have taken social distancing to heart and is nowhere to be seen, or maybe by keeping him away, he does not fumble with his words which seems to be his main problem, for his campaign managers Abbott and Costello do not seem to know what they are doing.

Emperor Don Segundo is for the first time feeling the heat, as he secured his party’s nomination, but as many political “experts” and pundits have commented; his chances of a second term are linked to the economy and he has a bested interest in restarting the economy soon even if by doing so the pandemic might get worse. This is a sign of desperation and a gamble, as his political foes are stalling to extend the economic crisis that is also a gamble that can cost them too.

As Friday Night Bill (the other Clinton), the Emperor has ridden the wave of scandals, bad decisions, a sham impeachment, and his big, loud, and obnoxious mouth (and Twitter posts) and is still standing (in a manner of speaking).

However, if history holds and if the economy does not restart when this crisis is over, there is a good chance that he will join President George H. Bush as a one-term president doomed by a stalled economy.

This little fellow seems to have changed the course of events that seem certain just weeks ago. With all major sports on hold, there is no entertainment for the masses to remain calm, so boredom is making people stir crazy and depressed and just as in the Island (The Lone Star Estate), politics has emerged as the only major sport still going on. With eight months to go to Election Day, is now anybody’s contest and we shall see if history holds or a new beginnings will make political science theories evolve.

This little fellow also has wrecked people’s dispositions as there is no awesomeness, no peppy positivism, and now Millennials (what a surprise) are now claiming another disaster that has made their generation the recipient of bad circumstances by the evil older generations that preceded them (like they are the only ones living these times). They are like the evangelical Christians who believe they are the only ones “saved” or in their case “cursed” and they are not at fault for what is happening.

At one point, people have to make decisions and not expect governments to make them and then complain, complain and complain some more when the decisions are not liked.

This little fellow brought an important issue for everybody to reflect and ponder, for nobody was prepared for these events. I am not talking about people alone, but our governments and corporations were not prepared and apparently did not seem to take the outbreak in China a few months ago real enough to implement emergency plans that should have been available years ago. As depressing or negative as it may sound, these plans are important because they provide a guide in times when chaos slowly disrupts life.

It is funny reading in some social media places how obtuse people can be and their lack of perspective colored by today’s extremist political views that simply makes this situation worse. In this squawk box, many mention the markets and businesses that are taking a beating from this little fellow, but markets live on the edge and risks are always part of the game and sometimes risks outweigh sense, and that is why governments shall have plans and certain sensible regulations. This relaxations or deregulations are good to jump start an economy, but it can also wrecked it when events like this happens. This effect also affected businesses who were caught at a time when growth left them exposed as investments into this expansion left them short of cash to ride this crisis, and the lack of diversity among some of these corporations will most likely be their doom as there is no certainty that they may be able to restart business as usual once this crisis is over.

As I wrote in the last post about social media (A Christmas Debate), it is clear the effect it has on people’s behavior. The panic-buying frenzy all over the world, and the reinforcement of the news media with stories vindicating these end-of-days people for their preparedness, and even mentioning these “extreme” coupon hoarders that “amazingly” are well stocked for these crisis with their 10-year supply of laundry detergent or never-ending toothpaste that does nothing to help with the panic, but I guess that is the purpose.

I am not here to give advice simply because people need to be take some responsibility, but honestly, if you do not need to leave the house, stay there; if there is people fighting over stuff, let them and go away; the same for people who want to go out because “they must live their lives”; let them and do not argue with them because if in the event that they get sick, well it is their own fault and they shall reap the consequences of their actions. One more thing, please log off or delete all your social media profiles because they are driving misinformation and creating a panic that will not help anybody in the coming months.

I can see this panic, or frenzy, or state in my loving wife, my mother, and my aunt that instead of finding other things to do, they feed off of this information (not) overload and panic to the point of becoming stuck and unable to function.

Remember, it is a panic-driven campaign for political motivations because depending on who do you talk to you can hear the views of their political affiliations in the narrative they are spewing based on what they read or watch on mass media outlets. I know this is boring advice for most of you awesome, fabulous, positive people, but my people and I (shy, odd, introverted, and weird) have been in this world too, and we made social distancing a way of life so for us we are not doing anything new and we are willing to share some advice (who would have thought) if any of you are willing to listen.

Otherwise, be safe and do your best, for things will eventually get better and we will survive this; furthermore, and more importantly it is not all about you, there is also we and them and the lesson here is that we are not islands in the middle of the ocean.

And now I am going back in the time warp machine, back to simpler times.

Next: Deadpool 1 and Deadpool 2.